Our most frequently asked questions. If your question isn't answered below please contact us.
Yes - all routes have been professionally measured to be exact.
Our range of Lakeland Trails technical and 100% organic cotton apparel is very popular. We will be offering a similar Lakeland Roads range to buy for 2025.
We will be offering a pre-bookable option before the events. There will be incentives to use public transport and fill your cars with runners.
We will be finalising prizes nearer the events. Expect the usual first place, vet and junior categories for males and females.
It's important to keep your contact details (including your address), and those of your emergency contact up-to-date. Please follow these simple steps to check them:
We will be reviewing the options to organise a children's race in 2025
We are happy to provide gpx files, which are available on each event page. Please remember that the roads in the Langdale Valleys are narrow and twisty and running on them outside of our events is done at your own risk.
You can find full details of our cancellation and refunds policy here. The deadline for cancellation or transfer is 4 weeks before the event to enable us to finalise our preparations.
We've made it really easy for you to move your entry:
Log in to https://entries.lakelandtrails.org/account/
Click on 'Entries'
Click on 'Actions' next to the entry to swap
Click on 'Transfer'
Make a choice
Dogs are not allowed on any of courses. It wouldn't be fair or safe for the other competitors or road users if they had to negotiate a runner and a dog on a lead at the same time, especially if the dog decided to stop suddenly.
If you usually run in the countryside with a dog, please keep it on a lead to protect livestock and keep farmers happy. Sheep are easily frightened by dogs to such an extent that a pregnant ewe could miscarry and die (it happens more often than you might think). They're not the brightest of animals (we've all been stuck trying to get past them on the Lakeland roads!) so they don't know that a dog won't harm them.
Dogs are allowed at most of our venues as long as they are kept in their lead and, which goes without saying, any poop is scooped.
Finish any one of our senior races and as well as enjoying amazing trail running in an awesome part of the world, you'll receive:
Your entry fee also includes VAT, contributes to the ongoing administration costs associated with putting on the events such as staff wages, purchasing, storing & maintaining equipment, transporting equipment to events, online entry administration fee, card transaction fees and insurance.
We don't keep waiting lists for events because we usually fill any places created by cancellations with entries for our marshals and volunteers to thank them for their support. If any extra places were to be released, we would announce it on our Facebook page and our website.
Quite often we use fields for our car parking sites. Sometimes, the weather gets the better of us and the ground becomes a bit soft. The best way to drive on ground like this is very gently with your wheels facing straight. Slow and steady is the best way to go because if you start to rev the engine, it will just cause the wheels to spin and create a trench which you may struggle to extricate yourself from without assistance. If you've got a diesel, you should be able to start moving in second gear with your right foot off the gas; with a petrol engine, use as little gas as possible to start moving. Once you're moving, don't be tempted to increase your speed if the grounds flat and steer gently to avoid any obvious dips or extra-muddy sections.